Full Text API


Full-Text TDM (Text and Data Mining) is the automated process of selecting and analyzing large amounts of text or data resources for purposes such as searching, finding patterns, discovering relationships, semantic analysis and learning how content relates to ideas and needs in a way that can provide valuable information needed for studies, research, etc.


  • /xmldata: Access full-text content where available for articles and/or chapters based on special agreement.

To view query parameters Check this

Note: You can now retrieve your YOUR-API-METRIC directly from the API Management page in the Springer Nature Developer Portal after activating the API. Simply click the eye icon for quick and easy access.

Example Request and Response


GET https://spdi.public.springernature.app/xmldata/jats?q=year:2018&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY/YOUR-API-METRIC


<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/resources/spdi-xmldata-jats.xsl"?>
   <apiMessage>This XML was provided by Springer Nature</apiMessage>
      <book-part-wrapper dtd-version="2.0" xml:lang="de">
         <collection-meta collection-type="series">
            <collection-id collection-id-type="publisher-id">14393</collection-id>
               <title>Psychotherapie: Manuale</title>
            <book-id book-id-type="doi">10.1007/978-3-662-54664-2</book-id>
            <book-id book-id-type="publisher-id">978-3-662-54664-2</book-id>
            <book-id book-id-type="book-title-id">217357</book-id>
               <book-title>Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei medizinisch unerklärten Körperbeschwerden und somatoformen Störungen</book-title>
            <contrib-group content-type="book author">
               <contrib contrib-type="author">
                  <name name-style="western">
                     <prefix>PD Dr.</prefix>
                  <xref ref-type="aff" rid="Aff1">1</xref>
               <contrib contrib-type="author">
                  <name name-style="western">
                  <xref ref-type="aff" rid="Aff2">2</xref>

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