Supported Query Parameters

Query Constraints

What fields are available for querying (e.g., DOI, ISSN, etc.)? Some constraints apply to specific APIs but not all. We represent this as follows:

  • M: metadata API
  • M2: meta/v2 API
  • O: openaccess API
  • F: Full Text API
ConstraintDescriptionApplies to collectionBasic Plan* Premium Plan*
doi:*limit to a single Digital Object IdentifierM,O,M2,F
doi:*query multiple Digital Object IdentifiersM,O,M2,F
subject:limit to the specified subject collectionM,O,M2,F
subject:limit to the specified subject collectionM,O,M2,F
keyword:limit to articles tagged with a keywordM,O,M2,F
language:limit to articles from a particular languageM,O,M2,F
pub:limit to articles from a particular publicationM,O,M2,F
year:limit to articles/chapters published in a particular yearM,O,M2,F
onlinedate:limit to date that an article appeared onlineM,O,M2,F
onlinedate(from/to):limit to date range that an article appeared online, using onlinedatefrom, onlinedatetoM,O,M2,F
date(from/to):limit to date range that an article was published, using datefrom, dateto (useful for older content where onlinedate might not exist)M,O,M2,F
dateloaded:limit to date that an article appeared in the databaseM,O,M2,F
dateloaded(from/to):limit to date range where loaded to databaseM,O,M2,F
country:limit to articles authored in a particular countryM,O,M2,F
isbn:limit to a single International Standard Book NumberM,O,M2,F
issn:limit to a single International Standard Serial NumberM,O,M2,F
journalid:limit articles to a single Journal idM,O,M2,F
topicalcollection:limit content to a single toplical collectionM,M2,F
journalonlinefirst:truelimit articles to Online firstM,O,M2,F
date:limit to documents published on a particular date {yyyy - mm - dd}M,O,M2,F
issuetypelimit content to a issuetypeM,M2,F
issuelimit articles to a issue for journalM,O,M2,F
volumelimit articles to a volume for journalM,O,M2,F
type:limit to either Book or Journal content {(Book, Journal)}M,O,M2,F
ContainsElements:limit to content containing a specific itemM,O,M2,F
excludeElements[parameter] to exclude specific field from resultO,F
Exclude:Bibliographydo not search through bibliography/references; useful for finding terms that appear in the text onlyM,O,M2,F
grid:Global Research Identifier Database, providing unique identifiers for research organizations.M,O,M2,F
orcid:global identifier for specific authorM,O,M2,F
bookdoi:limit to chapters from a specific BookDOIM,O,M2,F
latest issuelimit to articles from the latest issue of the journal available in the database.M,M2,F
earliest issuelimit to articles from the earliest issue of the journal available in the database.M,M2,F
openaccess:truelimit to only Open Access contentM2,F
free:truelimit to only Free content (different from OA)M,M2,F

"Contains" Constraints

When a "contains" constraint is applied, the response will return documents in which the specified argument appears anywhere within the relevant element.

The API currently supports the following types of "contains" constraints:

ConstraintDescriptionApplies to collectionBasic Plan* Premium Plan*
emptyA word or phrase that appears among the constraints but is not preceded by a constraint value will be treated as the argument of the "empty constraint" (i.e., a text/string search). Requests of this type will locate documents that contain the specified word or phrase in any element.M,O,M2,F
title:Locate documents containing a word or phrase in the "article/chapter title" elementM,O,M2,F
orgname:Locate documents containing a word or phrase in the "organization name" elementM,O,M2,F
journal:Locate documents containing a word or phrase in the "journal title" elementM,O,M2,F
book:Locate documents containing a word or phrase in the "book title" elementM,O,M2,F
name:Locate documents containing a word or phrase in the "author name" elementM,O,M2,F

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