Python API Wrapper


The Springer Nature API Client is a Python wrapper for the Springer Nature APIs. It provides an access to Springer Nature's vast collection of scientific articles, metadata, and research data.

With this client, developers can seamlessly interact with different endpoints, including Open Access, Meta, Metadata and Text and Data Mining (TDM) APIs. This eliminates the need for manual API request handling and response parsing, streamlining the development process.


  • Simplified API Requests – Easily fetch research articles, metadata, and Open Access content without constructing raw HTTP requests.
  • Structured Responses – Get clean, JSON-formatted responses ready for use in your applications.
  • Multiple Endpoints – Supports all major Springer Nature API endpoints, including Metadata, Open Access, Meta, and TDM.
  • Error Handling – Includes built-in error handling for API request failures, invalid API keys, and rate limits.
  • Custom Query Support – Perform advanced search queries to filter and retrieve specific research content.


The package is available on PyPi and can be installed using pip:

pip install springernature-api-client


Importing the Package

To interact with different API endpoints, import the required module:

import springernature_api_client.metadata as metadata
import springernature_api_client.openaccess as openaccess
import springernature_api_client.meta as meta
import springernature_api_client.tdm as tdm

Initializing the Client

Each module requires an API key for authentication:

openaccess_client = openaccess.OpenAccessAPI(api_key="your_api_key")
meta_client = meta.MetaAPI(api_key="your_api_key")
metadata_client = metadata.MetadataAPI(api_key="your_api_key")
tdm_client = tdm.TdmAPI(api_key="your_api_key")

Performing a Search Query

Each module has different search functionalities based on its purpose. Below are examples of how to perform searches in different modules:

response ="climate change", p=20, s=1, fetch_all=False, is_premium=False)
response ="artificial intelligence", p=20, s=1, fetch_all=False, is_premium=False)
response ="machine learning", p=20, s=1, fetch_all=False, is_premium=False)
response ="neural networks", p=20, s=1, fetch_all=False, is_premium=False)

Pagination Handling (fetch_all=True)

If fetch_all=True, the API will automatically paginate through results, fetching all available records.

response ='keyword:"cancer"', p=20, s=1, fetch_all=False, is_premium=False)

Exporting to Excel

By default, results_to_dataframe() saves the results as an Excel file, making it easy to store and analyze data offline.

df = results_to_dataframe(response, export_to_excel=True, filename="output.xlsx")

Use Cases

The Springer Nature API Client is useful for:

  • Researchers – Quickly find relevant academic papers and extract metadata for citation management.
  • Developers – Integrate research data into web applications, dashboards, or automated workflows.
  • Data Scientists – Perform large-scale text and data mining using Springer Nature's research database.


Invalid API Key

Ensure you pass the correct API key. Try setting the API key as an environment variable.

Rate Limit Exceeded (Error 429)

SpringerNature API limits requests per minute. If you hit the limit, wait or request a higher quota.

Connection Timeout

If requests timeout, check your internet connection. Try increasing the timeout value in the request.

Documentation & Source Code

For full documentation and usage details, refer to:

PyPi Package: springernature-api-client


This package is released under the MIT License.

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