RESTful Operations and Response Formats

RESTful Operations

The Springer Nature API offers multiple operations and response formats, which are controlled by making RESTful requests to the API service at Developer Portal.

Each request must include both a Collection and a ResultFormat. The Collection specifies which repository to search, while the ResultFormat defines the structure in which the data will be returned. For example, in the following request:

The first bold element represents the Collection, and the second represents the ResultFormat. In this case, the metadata repository is queried, and the results are returned in PAM format.

Response Formats

Response FormatDesrciption

Returns XML results with each record in PRISM Aggregator Message format (*with some additional journal- or book-specific fields not covered by PAM at this time [e.g., openAccess])


Returns XML results with each record in JATS or BITS format, an industry-wide, structured standard for scientific articles and chapters (*"jats" used in path for each/both).


Returns JSON formatted results


Returns JSON formatted results with padding

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